PGP Signing My Posts

I purchased some Yubikeys a few weeks back, mostly for the convenience factor of pushing a button to sign into different web services securely. Anyway, another one of the cool things a Yubikey can do is store a PGP private key[1]. You can then use this PGP key to digitally sign code commits, emails, files, anything really.

Motivation #

Without going too deep into PGP and its various uses, I thought it would be cool to post digital signatures of every post/page I create on this site. Why? Well, when I sign my content, it proves the following[2]:

  1. What you're reading is what I wrote, and only what I wrote.
  2. What you're reading was written by me, and only me.
  3. Basically, what you're reading has been unmodified.

Say an adversary wanted to take control of my site and make it look like I wrote something I didn't actually write. (Realistically, it would take a large amount of effort to even obtain write access to my site, because of my random, high-strength passwords and 2FA. But let's pretend I'm compromised on those fronts.)

Without PGP signatures, anyone who managed to write to my site's files could claim I wrote something, whether or not I actually did. An adversary might make an post file and then it would just look like I wrote this horrible lie on my blog. I would have no way to deny the lie, no matter how damning to character or livelihood.

With post signatures, creating new content requires a process initiated by me, with my Yubikey plugged in and unlocked by my PIN. A signature confirms that me, and only me wrote those, and only those words. If a post is unsigned, or if the signature doesn't validate, you have no guarantee that I wrote it-- in fact, it probably means I didn't.

In addition, signing means that no one can take words I wrote and claim them as their own, and it means that I can't deny words I wrote in the future.

How it Works #

Here's how I set up semi-automatic post signing for my Gatsby blog. It works in two parts. The first part is a lightweight Node script which locates all the Markdown files in the content/blog/ directory and calls out for gpg to sign each one.

Build-end / Backend #

Prerequisite assumptions:

  1. You have a PGP keypair set up.
  2. You have adquate knowledge with PGP tooling (namely, GPG and GPG Tools).
  3. If you're using a Yubikey, you've set up GPG to use it.

The Node script looks like this-- It's actually my first little TypeScript endeavor.


Basically, the signFolder() function tries to sign every .md file in the content/blog/ directory. It tries to locate *.md.asc files for every corresponding post. If a post isn't signed, it calls out to gpg to sign it.

I added a script definition to my package.json as well. Now I can call yarn sign to begin the process of signing all posts without signatures.

// package.json
"sign": "node utils/sign-posts.js",

Frontend #

I needed a component to render links pointing to each post's PGP signature file. My posts would be hosted at GitHub, so it seems appropriate to put the signatures there as well.

The newly-minted PGPInfo component uses the slug field generated by Gatsby to determine the correct link for the post's signature and the source used to generate it.


I put the PGPInfo component into the blog-post.js file since I'm only rendering it on posts at the moment.

Be sure to check out this commit where both the front- and back-end code was first published for complete details.

Verifying the Signature #

Here's how it looks on the frontend, to you, my dear readers! linksexample

Just click the "View PGP Signature" link at the bottom of any post. You'll be taken to a GitHub page with the full PGP message signature.

Now, copy that file's entire contents. It looks like junk, but it's not. You'll see soon.

Head on over to Keybase is a company that provides "crypto for everyone" a.k.a. they've put some convenient tooling and UI/UX work into crypto applications. I host my public key there so that people can easily verify messages from me using their web interface.

Paste the message signature that you copied and click Verify. If the signature verifies, you'll see a success message, along with the plaintext copy of the post (its source file).

Keybase screenshot

How cool is that? All that junky looking cryptic text was actually the source Markdown that makes up the post! Cryptography is one of those things that seriously amazes me… it's Computer Magic.

How I'd Improve It #

This was more or less a proof of concept. The assumptions make it brittle- namely, every post now needs to be named in a folder named as post-title-slug. Not the worst thing, but it is a departure from my previous setup. The script could be more robust and allow for more unique data structure. I'm definitely not making full use of GraphQL with the current approach.

I might rethink this in the future, but for now it takes care of everything I want it to. Anyone feeling really into the Gatsby ecosystem and wants to yak-shave this into a plugin? I'll be your first customer! πŸ˜‰

  1. Technically, the Yubikey operates a few protocols, one of which is OpenPGP Card. β†©οΈŽ

  2. As long as you trust that a) the private key I claim is actually mine; b) I keep my private key secure (which the Yubikey helps me do); and c) the PGP protocol is unbroken. β†©οΈŽ